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In-person 2-day Workshops!

One of the World’s most progressive courses built for the modern private practice physiotherapist, focusing on possibly the hottest topic in physiotherapy right now - the judicious use of manual therapy.

The aim of this course is promote manual therapy as a tool to get great clinical results, to discuss the evidence in detail and understanding how to have the confidence to actually to use it!

Current In-person 2-day Workshops:

Sydney June 21st and 22nd 2025

Here’s what people are saying:


Informative, clinical, expertly delivered. I had the pleasure of attending one of Kieran’s and James’s professional development courses over two days.

Great care was given to ensure all students understood the clinical reasoning behind the treatment methods, which were then demonstrated clearly and practiced under direct supervision.

This course has equipped me with a broader skill set to treat my clients and imperatively, convey the evidence-based rationale to the client, I would recommend one of their courses to any physio at any stage in their career.

— Callum Sutherland


Online 2-day Course!

Can’t attend our course in person? Get our Full 2-day Course which you and your colleagues can watch ‘on-demand’ for Professional Development and training at a time that suits you!

You should get this online course to learn:

  • The best evidence behind MT across the musculoskeletal system

  • Why it absolutely has a place in 2021 and beyond

  • How to implement MT successfully as a part of a package of care to an individual patient

  • Clear-cut explanations for post-graduate techniques targeted at the cervical, thoracic, lumbar hip, SIJ, knee, ankle, shoulder and elbow!

  • Management strategies you can implement with your patients immediately, as well as teach and practice with your colleagues

  • The full theoretical and practical content for our 2-day course

  • Individual Physiotherapist and Clinic online course fee options

Link to get the online course through these pictures below:

Here’s a video example of a session from our course:

Here is a very popular article Kieran wrote for Physio Network on why we shouldn’t stop using hands-on techniques as clinicians in 2022 and beyond!

In this Physio Explained Podcast episode, Kieran and James cover both the helpful and unhelpful shifts in the manual therapy narrative over the last 10 years. We then explore how it is possible to be evidence-based, practice in a biopsychosocial model, and use manual therapy.

In this podcast, Dr. Kieran + Bodine Ledden from Advanced Clinical Education dive deep into:

  • How social media is often used to trump evidence on this topic  

  • Why it's absolutely high-quality evidence-based to use manual therapy selectively

  • Feedback from patients who seek second opinion after seeing aggressive hands-off, anti-manual therapy advocates 

  • Why over-medicalisation of patients needs to be the dominant narrative discussion focus online

  • What to say to therapists who say "There is no evidence for manual therapy"  

  • How we can use manual therapy with education + exercise to convert patients away from unnecessary care

  • How it is possible to use manual therapy and work within a multidisciplinary team

  • What to do when patients want maintenance hands-on treatment

  • And more!


Contact Us

Want to know more details about our in-person or online course? Contact us through the form below!